SCS Spring Meeting 2021
«Chemistry and the Environment»
15. April 2021, 09.30-17.00h
SCS Spring Meeting 2021
«Chemistry and the Environment»
The Swiss Chemical Society Spring Meeting was the first regular event that was organized by the SCS and looks back on a 120 years old history that started in 1901. It's a one day symposium that focuses on a specific topic and provides a high quality program with national and international speakers. The topic of the 2021 edition is «Chemistry and the Environment».
The board of the SCS Section Chemistry and the Environment (SCE) invites you to join the event and is looking forward to welcoming you on April 15, 2021. Due to COVID-19 the symposium will take place as an online event.
To join the conference please login to your profile and you will find the button to join on the 'Home' page or the 'Online Conference' subsite. Please use Chrome or Firefox browser to have the full functionaltiy of the platform.
The SCE represents scientists from all fields of fundamental and applied research in environmental sciences and regulatory experts and acts on their behalf in national and international organizations. The Section’s activities include all research areas related to chemical processes that molecules undergo in the environment and their impact on the environment. It includes atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry, and the effect of molecules on living organisms.
The aims of the SEC are
Main activities
Prof. Kathrin Fenner
Eawag Dübendorf and University of Zürich
Chair of the Symposium
SCS Head Office
+41 31 306 92 92